I'd use something like that on a shirt, to be honest with you.
I'd use something like that on a shirt, to be honest with you.
Hmm, interesting idea!
I was also once thinking to put some artworks on a website like rebubble (for t-shirts, bags, sticker etc.)
Thank's a lot for the review!
-sorry for my bad english grammar
OMG WHY!!? WHY DID I DECIDE TO WATCH THESE AT 12:00 AM!?? Dude these are AWESOME!! FANTASTIC JOB!! the animation, the ambiance, the soundtrack and everything is just PERFECT! so perfect that i'm glad you don't use jumpscares in these because.. now that i'm seeing what you're capable of, if you included jumpscares... it'd just be plain overkill, in the last one i got HORRIBLY scared with the ghost girl part where she was smiling, that was so creepy that i almost had a heart attack.
However i'm sorry i'll have to give you a 5 out of 5 which for this i think is an insult, but that's as far as newgrounds lets me rate this, because this deserves a 20 out of 5 seriously.
i'm expecting to see more of you, and i hope you keep it up!
so don't let me down man :) excellent work!
sorry but no
that was not strange,that was weird
hehe ta bien
esta buena la animacion...y comica claro
this is what happens at the other part of the screen
amigo yo me revisaria la maseta porque chaves es un buen presidente,¿tu te crees cualquier cosa que dicen de el cierto?comprueva y verifica,antes de sacar conclusiones...ah,y no veas glovovishon porque ai lo que te dicen es mentira.
Ej. 1:el paiz esta en extrema povresa ¿y porque hay gente con autos caros y mansiones? hasta un ranchito tiene directv aqui en venezuela
2:venezuela hara guerra con colombia ¿no sera al reves?
3:chaves es un dictador(mire hay gran diferencia entre dictador y hablador por coñaso)
bueno eso es lo que opino yo y de resto esta comica la animacion
i cant stop see this video dude
Young writer and artist wannabe.
Age 27, Male
Joined on 9/24/09